Manufacturer Services
Promote Your Product with Coupons
Our coupon clearinghouse service will help you effectively use coupons to promote your product to the consumer. With our over 40 years of experience in the coupon industry, we understand your coupon requirements, regardless of your business size. We listen to your needs and objectives and will provide you with a coupon program tailored to you.
Our contracts are flexible, whether you are a large or small manufacturer, with options including coupon design, coupon bar codes, coupon printing and coupon clearinghouse services.
We will provide you with all the necessary reports to help you manage your coupon program. Custom reports are provided at no extra charge.
Benefits Of Using Atlantic Coupon Services
State of the Art Technology
Paper and digital coupons are validated, verified and controls are put in place assuring you the finest quality and integrity. The technology we use is the very best and can make the difference in an effective paper and digital coupon program.
Manufacturer Reports
Our customized Manufacturer Reports give you the detailed information you need to analyze the effectiveness of your paper and digital coupon program and track your offer activities to maximize performance.
Order Processing/Fulfillment
Our Order Processing/Fulfillment program supports your consumer promotions with faster, more efficient processing and validation of your paper and digital coupons, and data collection with the finest integrity and quality controls.
For Accurate, Reliable, Paper and Digital Coupon Redemption…
Call us at 800-223-0398 and speak to one of our experienced Atlantic Coupon Service Advisors to get started today.